28th Annual Source to Sea Wethersfield Cove Cleanups
The GMCT, the Wethersfield Dad’s Club, Benesch, and the CT River Conservancy are joining forces to conduct TWO fun and exciting trash cleanups of areas around the Wethersfield Cove. We will have grabbers and will use reusable grain bags instead of plastic trash bags.
The Cleanup on Friday September 27, 2024 from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM is by the Wethersfield Dad’s Club. This is a private cleanup group open only to Dad’s Club members and their families. Dad’s Club members and their families can sign up here: https://sourcetoseacleanup.org/event/wethersfield-dads-club/
The Cleanup on Saturday September 28, 2024 is from 9:00 AM to 12 NOON. This cleanup is open to the public and is a cooperative effort between the GMCT and Benesch consultants Glastonbury office. Anyone can sign up to join the Saturday cleanup crew. Note that the signup will be under Benesch. Use the link here: https://sourcetoseacleanup.org/event/benesch-2024/
It really is a lot of fun!
Additional Details
Note – Sign up at the CT River Conservancy Website at the links above.