Register / RSVP for the Tuesday, March 25, 2025 Annual Meeting here.
Open to All! Please register today! so we can get a head count for the food. All GMCT members, guests of members, and friends of GMCT who are not members are invited and encouraged to attend.
In order to vote during the business meeting, you need to be a GMCT member in good standing. If you are unsure of your membership standing, please email us at membership@gmct.org for a quick response. Members can renew and new members can join on the Donate / Membership page. We always welcome new members!
The event will be held at the Rocky Hill Casa Mia on the Green Restaurant, 600 Cold Spring Road, Rocky Hill. There is also one of these in Newington- don’t mistake the Newington Casa Mia for this one!

Social hour and cash bar opens at 5:30pm. A delicious dinner at 6:30. We hold a brief business meeting with committee reports and election of board directors and officers, and then our featured speaker, Peter Picone, of the CT DEEP will present his “You Can Do It” approach to wildlife conservation and improving habitat.

The cost is $40 per GMCT Member or guest or friend of GMCT.